Tamil Murli Oct 10, 2015: Keep charts regularly by the end of the day to make spiritual advance

Tamil Murli Oct 10, 2015

Sweet children, check your spiritual accounts daily at the end of the day so that you will be very cautious in increasing the spiritual profits. Whatever God says daily  to increase yoga will induce only the lucky children to take effort. Go into the garden and sit in silence and speak so sweetly with the God. Baba warns the spiritual army to consider ourselves as soul and remember our sweet baba.

Who is God and who teaches rajayoga are the most important things that we should have strong faith in. God gives us the unlimited inheritance and we get this opportunity only once in the entire kalpa. If you do not understand the spiritual father, then what is the use of being human? The most important thing is that everything repeats exactly in every kalpa. The picture demonstrating who is the god of gita is very perfect. The first and the most important false belief is that the God is omnipresent. Only those who have good yogic power can understand this knowledge fully. you can gain power from God only by remembering God, yoga.

Only God can teach you the divine knowledge. Everything else falls under the category of Bhakti or devotion. God says not everybody can become fully pure as there is a great effort involved in purifying youself by connecting our mind continuously with the God. You should give introduction about baba first before giving the time cycle knowledge to others. Baba will teach only the truth so you should not have doubt in God's knowledge.

Baba warns that not even a quarter percent keeps chart. He insists us to keep chart daily so that we can understand the kind of effort we do and we will get ashamed of ourselves when we do not think of Baba as much as required to get a higher post in Satyug. Not everybody can think of God all the time and it is quite impossible except for those who suffer a huge pain all the time. Remembering God and the 84 births will make you the emperor of the world.

Lakshmi and Narayana must have indulged themselves in yoga for a long time which is why they passed with honour and got the higer power to rule the entire world. So baba ask us to allot some time apart from work to remember Baba. Body consciousness should be destroyed by increasing the duration of yoga. There cannot be a faster rocket than soul. Considering yourself as a soul and thinking of God is the real way to experience the true silence.I am a soul, separate from the body. Examples of tortoise, insects and snakes all refer to you.

It is our duty to save the people drowing in the ocean of poison. Sanyasis do not need either this divine knowledge or to do bhakti as they cannot go to heaven. Eyes cheat us so easily so we should take care to protect it from Maya. Cool your physical senses by the power of yoga. You recieve the world power for the half kalpa. The biggest war start only after you reached this karamateet stage, stage where you conquer your senses.

Nobody can escape from the birth and death cycle, moksha. Though the intellect says, that only India was present in Satyug, nobody understands this truth. This is not a time cycle for lakhs of years but only 5000 years. People keep asking questions unless they have faith that God is teaching you. They will start saying that you do not know anything if they do not get the answer.

Baba comes only once in the end of each kalpa to create the new world again. Lakshmi narayan were the purest soul among others. We start ruling the world right from the beginning of Satyug. So only we enjoy pleasure for a very longer period compared to other religions. India was like heaven and the residents of heaven, angels were filled with divine virtues and they were completely viceless.


As science by their determination succeed in growing crops even in barren land, you can also by your determination and the power of silence, give them the water of love and make them fruitful and fill the hopeless hearts with hope.


Your actions will be filled with spirituality when you consider yourselves as the property of God.


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