Tamil Murli Oct 21: Only Baba can teach you the way to become Deities

Tamil Murli Oct 21

Sweet Children, You recieve a single way, srimadh from the heavenly father, Baba by which you become deities. Souls have forgotten their way to home. Baba has come to take us with him to our sweet home. We are making effort to reach home. You are becoming deities through this divine study. We humans take the maximum of 84 births in a single kalpa. Now we are the end of the iron age and the golden age is about to come. Deities exist as undivided religion for the first half kalpa.

மனிதனிலிருந்து தேவதையாகும் வழியை இறைவன் மட்டுமே கொடுக்க முடியும் (தமிழ் வீடியோ)

We should not forget that Baba is giving us this divine knowledge for the new world. Shiva Baba adopts us through Brahma Baba. So we have two fathers spiritually. There are some Atheists who do not accept Shiv Baba. You should always remember that we are studying from Shiv baba. We were pure when we were in shantidam, land of peace. Now we are impure which is why we call the purifier God.

Nobody can enter the soul world without becoming pure. You are now becoming deities from worshippers. Rajayoga is represented in Dilwara temple, while there are many museums for hathayoga. Your tapasya is shown as mahavirs while heaven is shown in the roof of Dilwara temple. This study can be read by all people of all ages. Baba asks us to remember both our sweet Baba and our sweet home.

We will leave this land of death and enter heaven only after the war. Baba teaches us Rajayoga, the source from which all religious scriptures emerge later in the path of devotion, so we need not study those religious scriptures now. They build so many temples now as the memoir of heaven in the past. Om and so hum so have different meanings, but in the devotion, they combined the meaning of these two into one.

Baba asks us to keep our eyes open when studying this divine knowledge as nobody sleeps during the earning period. There is a great difference between how we see others and how others see each other. Considering yourself as a soul and remembering the father as the point of light is the only way to absolve your sins. You are the true brahmins who are born out of the mouth of brahma whereas the other brahmins take birth out of lust, the poison.

Baba encourages the illiterate to keep remembering the father through which they can get higher status than the ones who give good lecture. Those who give good lectures fall for lust and break their bones. So We should caution ourselves to protect our eyes against lust. The civil eyes that you recieve now will continue to work for the next 21 births in heaven. You now know how Vishnu becomes Brahma and how Brahma becomes Vishnu again.


Our earnings increase multifold when we give something to yagya with pure love in our heart and we do not earn anything even if we give a lot but with no love in heart.


Think before you act to save your precious time and energy of Sangamyug, the confluence age.


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