Tamil Murli Oct 8, 2015: The sweetest word is Baba

 Tamil Murli Oct 8, 2015

The sweetest word is Baba. Baba performs surgery in such a way that both humans and animals will be free of any disease for the next 2500 years. You need to have courage to protect yourself. We are brothers and brothers in the soul world. Only after taking the body we become brothers and sisters as we become children of Brahma Baba.

Heaven will have no prison, police or court as there will be no signs of pain in heaven. Our eyes should become very pure and see everybody only as brothers and sisters. Baba makes us succeed over Maya, Body Consciousness. Only Indians burn the effigy of Raavan as he is the enemy for Indians. So make them understand that not only srilanka is under Raavana's control, but the whole world is under the control of body consciousness which is why we burn his effigy.

People do not have true love for Shivababa as they do not understand him as his father. Muslims study quran in deep silence in the early morning but they do not understand allah as their father. God comes to change us from the residents of the devil world to the residents of the heaven. Cow's mouth represents children's mouth from which knowledge potion flows. After drinking knowledge potion, we will not drink poison.

People break their head to control the population. But man cannot understand the natural calamities. Baba asks us to have courage to face all the natural calamities. Nobody can escape death. Baba's children should speak only the truth. Our imperishable lover Baba has arrived to take us with him. No vedas reveal the truth that you are going to rule the whole world in the next birth. Baba says us the real story to make us into real satya narayana.

Heaven will be filled with very big homes made of gold. Eveyone will have everything. Everything there will be very amazing and of high quality. Baba ask us to have some cinema songs that contain the baba's knowledge so that it will boost you up when you are depressed. You will descend from the soul world as the flower.


Baba ask us to have the switch of the baba's remembrance always turned on. We should not think of the old world or the old world behaviour. This law makes us to succeed in every effort.


To experience pleasure beyond senses, you should persist in deep silence.


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