Tamil Murli Oct 4, 2015: Power behind the activities of the Subtle World

 Tamil Murli Oct 4, 2015

Baba says he has the chart of the spiritual efforts, love and spiritual service of the children. He asks if you know how activities of the subtle world take place? Double foreigners get rid of their doubts on God based on the love and peace they experience from Baba. Likewise karnataka children have the speciality in their deep love for Baba. Baba sees only the love and heart of his children and not their language.

As the corporeal world activities are done by current, the subtle world activities are controlled by the power of the mind and the pure thoughts. Baba says that we can connect with the three worlds if we have very purified thoughts. It is based on this power of thoughts, bapdada make us appear before him whenever he wants.

Baba says the devotees will have a vision of the subtle world occassionally. But the subtle world is our home since what belongs to Brahma Baba belongs to us too. Baba recieves the thoughts of the double foreigners today. Baba gives blessings to everybody around the globe including the madhuban residents. Baba compliments the Madhuban residents since they have succeeded in giving up sleep.


Swan mind means we should have only good and high thoughts for others and it should never be the simple or bad thoughts for others. Even if you happen to see or hear the bad of others, they will change them into good by the power of their positive thoughts.


Be the love filled Ganges, so that the ocean of love, God be visible to others through your actions.


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