
Showing posts from 2015

Why do they offer human sacrifice in front of Kali?

Nobody's blood can wash away your sins for you

Real relationship between the lord Ganesha and the goddesses shri laksmi and saraswati

Murli Nov 2: Make your life a game, and problems as your toys

Tamil Murli Nov 1: Give peace to those who are under stress due to their greed through your yogic power

Tamil Murli Oct 31: Recieve the power to rule the world through yoga with God

Muslim Flags reveal the secret behind Shiva Lingam

Tamil Murli Oct 30: Eternal liberation is impossible even for God

Tamil Murli Oct 29: Only God Shiva can liberate us from suffering

Tamil Murli Oct 28: Maya and Nature become slaves to those who merge themselves in God's love

Tamil Murli Oct 27: Taste the freedom of death when you are alive

Tamil Murli Oct 26: Save yourself against lustful thoughts and visions

Tamil Murli Oct 25: Rule to become bodiless in a second

Tamil Murli Oct 24: Self sacrifice and yoga is the foundation to the success of Godly service

Tamil Murli Oct 23: Keep daily accounts for your spiritual advancement

Tamil Murli Oct 22: India is my Birth place - God Shiva

Tamil Murli Oct 21: Only Baba can teach you the way to become Deities

Tamil Murli Oct 20: Use your silence power to conquer Lust

Tamil Murli Oct 19: Forgetting that we are the students of God is the reason for losing happiness

Tamil Murli Oct 18: Create Powerful Atmosphere using Rajayoga

Tamil Murli Oct 17: It is your duty to transform even prostitutes into angels

Tamil Murli Oct 16: Purify youself before purifying the world

Tamil Murli Oct 15: Lust is your number one enemy that deprives your yogic power instantly

Tamil Murli Oct 14: Your words can penetrate the mind of others only if you mention Baba's name

Tamil Murli Oct 13: Only God shows the way to heaven

Tamil Murli Oct 12: You should lead a very simple life

Shudras born out of Vishnu's feet? - Spiritual Secrets revealed

Tamil Murli Oct 11: Follow Brahma Baba in every step to become number one

Tamil Murli Oct 10, 2015: Keep charts regularly by the end of the day to make spiritual advance

Tamil Murli Oct 9, 2015: You are the spiritual incognito soldiers

Tamil Murli Oct 8, 2015: The sweetest word is Baba

Tamil Murli Oct 7, 2015: Changing the Poor to Rich is our Duty

Tamil Murli Oct 6, 2015: Keep yourself busy in the Godly service to get rid of body consciousness

Tamil Murli Oct 5, 2015: Being sensitive is also body consciousness

Tamil Murli Oct 4, 2015: Power behind the activities of the Subtle World

மரணத்தை வெல்லும் கலை - Art of Conquering Death

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